Why isnt this the spotlight on front page? This is great! Keep nom'in the nyan man.
Why isnt this the spotlight on front page? This is great! Keep nom'in the nyan man.
Its a Rat Flail !
Great ! The classic RF comic. Keep it up
It really isnt much of a VGC comic to animate. The most animation in there was his eyes. Leo's body was pasted also. Try to do a better one. Go Scott Ramsoomair and VG cats!
The animation just as the comic. Work on the audio.
I have been waiting.
The animation looks just like the comic but with bleaker color. All good but a little fluke in the sound quality. Keep it up!
Nice way of squeezing all those lyrics together to be just like lion king.
Kinda cheesy for me but Its good. You should make more.
The voice and animation were pretty good. The punchline was not "Hilarious" but it was clean classic humor. I liked it and don't let stupid trolls put you down.
Its good to see a stop motion film. Good job mixing all these 1 dollar candys into one great animation.
The voices need a little work and the animations better than mine. Not bad.
also, why are people trolling on this? lets see some of you trolls do better.
Joined on 12/17/10